Spiritual Revolution







Pictured above the determined Jewish Christian prophecy bearer at work performing the final Paxcalibur baptism instructions he received as a spiritual Vision fourteen years before as a birthday present from God. The sanctification baptism took place in the Jordan River on Sabbath day before Easter Sunday in 2003. After waiting fourteen years this spiritual activist finally got the funds in a magical way to go to Israel and finish the last of the Paxcalibur sanctification baptisms rituals, four done in California, and the last one in the Jordan River, Israel, a long story which you can read in the The Story of Paxcalibur  pages.

The above event happened on the Sabbath before Easter Sunday in the year 2003 near the headwaters of the Jordan River in Galilee, Israel. The Pentecostal Miracle occurred the next day at Easter in Nazareth and the event was witnessed by over 500 Nazarean Christians and Nazarean Muslims too who saw the miracle of how God could "speak" to each one of them through Paxcalibur, God's anointed Peace Sign and Sign of the Messiah to Christians and Jews as well as being a Sign to Muslims as the real Sword of Jihad. The Message of Paxcalibur, Sword of Peace, was clear and understandable to all because God has seen to it that the Peace Sign and its meaning is known all around the world now, even surpassing the Pauline Christian Cross and all other religious symbols in universal understanding.

And no, Trump years veteran readers, I am not wearing a MAGA hat. This event took place 13 years before anyone knew anything about Make America Great Again red hats and hopefully most readers now won't be aware how close America came to fascist takeover in 2021 in the presidency of Donald Trump. There was a Revolution all right, but it was and is spiritually based and it's still going on, but this time the New Age spiritual lead will not be buried under either capitalist commercialization or radical Leftist politics. They exploited the Peace, Love, and Harmony generation and that quite stunted and eventually squashed the Cultural Revolution in America that began with the 1960's Love Ins and died in the 1970's with the bombings carried out by radical underground groups . My red hat was a Pax Cap and for me its red color signifies my gratitude and respect for Native America and its Red Road to social sanity.


Deprogramming Abrahamic Cult Indocrination


I could use "Kult" instead of "cult" in order to remind readers of the fascist, racist, and sexist patriarchal ideas of the ancient male writers of the Torah/Tanakh, the New Testament, and the Quran. Abrahamic believers have made their Word of God books into full fledged Idols where instead of stone or wooden idols worshiped as if living things with supernatural powers, for Abrahamic idolators it's little black marks set in rows on papyrus, parchment and paper but worshiped like an idol that is Taboo to question. God is a Spirit and not a set of words in books written by fallible men.




There has been a spiritual revolution in Heaven. We have already entered into the New Millennium spiritually even though the material world lags behind as the last Age, the Age of Pisces, splutters fitfully to its end. We are entering into a new Aeon, a new spiritual Age, the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. The religions of the past Aeon, the Age of Pisces, will be forced to change or pass into history. They will either undergo major reformations, go extinct, or become living relics of the past. They will no longer be seen as credible belief systems able to carry the necessary spiritual knowledge or spiritual power to inspire individuals and societies to transform themselves and accomplish the great social transformation inspired by following the goodwill of the Holy One of Heaven & Earth.




Spiritual Revolution




Spiritual, Not Religious


Fatal Flaws


End Times Warnings


The Coming Revolt against Monotheism


The Abrahamic Emancipation Proclamation


Restoration of EL Elyon


EL vs. Yahweh


The Mystery of Gospel Jesus


The Biomystical meaning of the Crucifixion


Yeishu ben Pantera


The Story of Paxcalibur


Paxcalibur Peace Challenge


Restoration of the Divine Feminine


The Vision of Christ Josephine


Restoration of the Elohim


God's Cosmic Plan


The Gospel of Humanity


The Torah's True Origin


Celestial Restoration


The Christ Aquarius Revelation


The Celestial meaning of the Crucifixion


Back to The Garden


Golden Rule Christianity


Gospel of Humanity II






© Biomystic Institute 2023