Pax Aquariana


 The Essential Message of the New Age




"War is against my wish; Plant the seeds of peace in the heart of the earth."


--Ancient instruction attributed to EL Elyon, the highest God of ancient Canaan who is also God Most High of the Bible, the spiritual Father of the Messiah as Humanitarian Archetype and Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. In Hebrew celestial code mysticism EL Elyon is represented by the planet Saturn and also by the Merkabah, as seen in Ezekiel's Chariot of God vision. The Merkabah is an astrological construct composed of the Four Fixed Signs of the Zodiac: three Animal Signs,  Leo, Scorpio, Taurus, and the one Man Sign, Aquarius. On Earth, in the Hebrew prophetic tradition, the Son of Man follows the ancient astrological relationship of Aquarius being ruled by Saturn and so Aquarius as the Son of Man also serves EL Elyon, God Most High.


The Sword of Peace


The Sword of Peace is purposely broken and its power as a weapon to harm others is thereby circumvented. The Messianic Message: an Icon representing circumcision of male territorial aggression behavior which is the biological basis of most all human violent conflict. Male paranoia of other males stealing females away from them: Look at the all the penis fear in our world that is made visible in men's need to wave their surrogate dicks around to intimidate each other - - to show who's got the Biggest, who's got the Power, who's the Man. The guns, the bullets, the rockets, the submarines, the planes, the fast cars, all of them penis substitutes and emblems of territorial control because humankind is unfortunately still shooting itself in the foot, in the groin, in the brain, in the heart by terrorizing itself through out-of-control non-stop violent male territorial warfare, no different today than 60,000 years ago except our modern knives, spears and arrows are far more deadly.

Let's start facing this fact of human social life and begin extinguishing the dinosaur lizard brain male territorial behavior pattern that still rules most every society on earth. DISARM men. This is the social Truth necessary to do something about achieving Peace on Earth, goodwill to all. Pax Aquariana gives the peace plan necessary to stop wars and create Eutopia, the "Good Place" instead of "Utopia" or "no place".

In these pages you will find an Aquarian spiritual visionary mind attempting to solve and resolve conflicts between peoples and our shared world. It is an endeavor for facing a reality we can no longer avoid dealing with as so many of our current lack-luster "moderate" political leaders attempt to do. It cannot be done. Radical social change is called for, has been called for decades but this activist, being your basic hermit type and not blessed with an extrovert personality to match my grandiose visions, I've kept mostly quiet about them. I was working with Native American tribes and I didn't want to bring undue attention to myself and thereby create a distraction when I worked on projects meant to better their lives. My ideas and projects have  actually been online since 1998 but few have found them and my spiritual and radical social change ideas have gone mostly unnoticed. I have been content to do the communitarian and spiritual work assigned me and here and there organized a change or two. But now in my senior years that's not good enough. There's spiritual gold here, it shouldn't go  to waste. And from ecological consciousness to psychedelic cures to cooperative living, America's own Cultural Revolution of the 1960's that produced people like me and Hippies, the only genuine classless society America or the world for that matter ever produced, well, we have knowledge and experiential information that's still needed today. Here's one example:

In 1972 on our Lime Saddle Commune that started Communities Magazine, miraculously still going today, we were producing abundant garden crops on raised beds by applying the Biodynamic-French Intensive method of growing and using about a tenth of the water commercial farmers use with the inevitable drought conditions we have today. That was 50 years ago and still farmers are relying on corporate commercial serving Ag college farming information and they haven't figured out how to do what we were doing half a century ago. But unless I begin to shout out my own New Age Biomystic Solutions to help save humanity, they will be forgotten like the '60's Cultural Revolution that began my activist life.


The Chaldean Connection

 "Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot son of Haran, and his daughter-in-law Sarai, the wife of his son Abram, and together they set out from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to Canaan." --Genesis 11:31



The Stars our Destination


Whether you believe in astrology or not the ancient Judah priests writing the Bible did. Despite successfully selling Abrahamic believers the false idea that both Judaism and Pauline Christianity were rigorously opposed to astrology, the Bible contains many basic astrological references, e.g. the defining number for Judaism and Pauline Christianity - - the Twelve Tribes of Israel, the Twelve Disciples of Jesus Christ, all representing the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac. The fact is millions of people today also "believe" in astrology, that is they think it of some use in their daily lives. It was, after all, humanity's first Science. Astrology is an ancient holographic cosmology system, i.e., a science based on the concept that each part of the Universe influences every other part, significantly or minutely. it is ancient holistic philosophy. Astrology entices with its calculated personality complexity and always rides across the Ages seen or unseen without ever ceasing to entice and enthrall.

I find myself bound to the hopes and dreams of my Sign, Aquarius, and my life seems circumscribed by the unconventional Aquarian characteristics for which it seems fated to express. I don't pay much attention to modern daily predictive astrology, however. It is not my focus of ancient celestial knowledge and with its endless aspects and permutations, it is just too convoluted and distracting, like another Tower of Babel with Too Many Voices creating chaos and confusion instead of a solid spiritual-existential foundation. But I have paid attention to the ancient astro-theological system mystical Judaism used as did Jewish Christianity that's still embedded within Scriptures, both in the Old Testament and in the New with the New Testament bearing most of the Messianic Message of how to achieve Peace on Earth, goodwill to all. Being Christian, being a servant of God Most High, I followed God's advice given in Genesis One to use the stars as Signs of special meaning, something it seems both Judah and Roman priesthoods failed to do. By refusing to give credit to the celestial origins of their own religions, they missed the permanent Messianic Message written in the stars to guide human beings into becoming humane beings which is the fundamental purpose of all religion. Now their "Word of God" Scriptures are falling to historical review and progressive social ethics while the Celestial component remains pure where no human hands can reach.


The New Age



In these pages you will find an Aquarian visionary mind attempting to solve and resolve conflicts between peoples and our shared world. Despite its New Age appearance here it is an endeavor for facing a reality we can no longer avoid dealing with as so many of our current lack-luster "moderate" political leaders attempt to do. It cannot be done. Radical social change is called for, has been called for decades but this activist, being your basic hermit type and not blessed with an extrovert personality to match my grandiose visions, I've kept mostly quiet about what I've been doing to create a new social foundation, one that will last beyond seven generations because it working solving major social ills and environmental crises our present governments fail to produce. Plus I was working with Native American tribes and I didn't want to bring undue attention to myself and thereby create a distraction when I worked on projects meant to better their lives. My social change ideas and projects have  actually been online since 1998 but few have found them and my spiritual and radical social change ideas have gone mostly unnoticed except on Internet discussion boards where I think I may hold the world's record for being banned on religious forums - - almost always for my anti-Zionist stance and support for Palestinians on Christian and Jewish forums and for posting my personal Christian beliefs. I have been content to do the communitarian and spiritual work assigned me and here and there I have managed to organize a social change project or two. But now in my senior years that's not good enough. There's spiritual gold here, it shouldn't go  to waste. And from ecological consciousness to psychedelic cures to cooperative living, America's own Cultural Revolution of the 1960's that produced people like me, well, we have knowledge and experiential information that's still needed today. Here's one example:

In 1972 on our Lime Saddle Commune that started Communities Magazine, miraculously still going today, we were producing abundant garden crops in raised beds by applying the French Intensive-Biodynamic organic gardening method of growing. we were using about a tenth of the water commercial farmers around us were using producing the inevitable water shortage conditions we have today. That was 50 years ago and still farmers are relying on corporate commercial serving Ag college farming information and they haven't figured out how to do what we were doing half a century ago. But it seems unless I begin to shout out my own New Age Biomystic Solutions to help save humanity, they will likely be forgotten like the '60's Cultural Revolution that began and still motivates my activist life.


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The Aquariana Divide


The Aquariana Divide is a difficult Sign transition. There is a metaphysical barrier that separates the Piscean Age from the Age of Aquarius. The transit between the two Ages is harder to bridge than the transits between other Signs. This is because the Aquariana Divide marks the End Times of unquestioned authority of most organized religions, especially the Ending of Abrahamic religions. Being completely tied to the Bible for theological foundation, Piscean Age Pauline Christianity cannot bridge the gap and so becomes doomed for extinction. The New Age is upon us and with it the beginning of a new universal Christ Aquarian theology guiding humanity in the Age of Aquarius. This is a spiritual divide that spills over into social confrontations between those still stuck in the Piscean Age with its suffering and fear-centered paradigm. All through that Aeon societies and leaders, emperors, kings, queens, presidents, prime ministers sought Wealth and Security and protection of material wealth taken by force from others. They established governments as armies of conquest and then as guardians of Property Rights for the wealthy Few above most everything else.

Europe's disgruntled and greedy nations spread colonists around the world stealing land and resources from native populations who were then beaten down for centuries as no international law existed to stop the 500+ years of European world conquest. Mammon worship replaced worship of God throughout the West. This required strong police protection of the wealthy owners of land and capital who had replaced the feudal aristocracy. Police protection of accumulated stolen property led to Authoritarian State politics with police and the wealthy privileged and the poor punished for being poor.

The Almighty Dollar rules America and this has thwarted the U.S. in its grand experiment in Democracy. Social reform was always been fought tooth and nail by the Mammonists, the capitalists, despite the positive improvements to human lives social reform almost always brings. The wealthy could reliably buy social influence and keep economic equality only a dream for those the wealthy had already branded as "Socialists" and enemies of the State. Buying influence everywhere, capitalists bought the U.S. government too and so today, 2022, America is an outright plutocracy bought and paid for by US citizens duped all along the way by a 1% Minority with money to bury the socialist complainers in a flood of political bullshit. Because socialist critique of society isn't taught in American schools, American citizens never learn that without them, without the mass of citizens who make the products and who also buy them, the Super Rich wouldn't exist. It only takes a second to realize the 1% are vastly outnumbered and are highly vulnerable to being evicted from their property by the majority when it wakes up. That's why in America in the 2020's, "Woke" became a battle cry for capitalists and conservatives to try to stop by any means necessary.


The Aquariana Divide Today


In our times, early 21st Century, the Aquariana Divide manifests itself in these social inequities: the Gap between Rich and Poor where only 1% of the human population, the Super Rich, own and control virtually everything, actually repeating the same sort of economic and political disparity of the Feudal Age where aristocracies, always a small fraction of the population, owned the land and controlled the lives of serfs and peasantry, the vast majority. Banking on maintaining control of popular Media information and educational sources as well as controlling the economic lives of citizens the 1% Super Rich keep the general population ignorant of how much they are being exploited and deprived of social options that could better their lives. Promoting corporate capitalist enterprise at every turn because it rewards the rich with more money they delight in deceiving those seeking security and mental comfort in conformity to traditional organized religion so that the misguided public thinks it has an anchor to face social changes their traditions never prepared them for. 


The Rise of the Authoritarian


Repeating an often seen pattern in world history, fearful people seek a Strong Man, someone to tell them how to think and act, and it doesn't matter if the Strong Man is psycho or not, it's his charisma, his narcissistic self-confidence that is the appeal. Answering the call of help to minds fearful their old ways are being done away with when they don't know anything else to do, the Strong Man steps into history and always destroys peace with the inevitable unfolding of the Strong Man's pathological grandiose narcissism that propels such men into leadership roles. No one tells us in our social education how to identify and deal with pathological grandiose narcissists because the behavior is what we've been taught to expect of leaders of religious and secular traditions. All three of the West's Abrahamic religious traditions are based on pathological grandiose narcissism. It legitimizes the devil's work of destroying peaceful co-existence.

But time marches on and in the West where the Enlightment spawned the revival of the old Greek traditions of democracy offset the inherent narcissistic pathology of Pauline Christianity, Judaism and in our times, Muhammad's Islam. Abrahamic religious traditions insured Abrahamic believers were quite used to the idea of Absolute Rule because didn't their teachings describe the horrors of what happens to those who disobey their One and Only God's Commandments? The Enlightenment reached intellectuals in the West but not really the general population which is still vulnerable, three hundred years later to mesmerization by grandiose narcissists and their ideologies and theologies. These throwbacks to the old Strong Man ways create wars by getting society to command duped young men to forget all about Love your neighbor, kill them instead as out go the calls to patriotic duty to the Father Land, or Mother Land, or The American Way of Life.

But the Humanitarian Spirit of the Aquarian Age inevitably increases in the public mind. Here in America this creates increasing confrontation between the Old and New, the Traditional and the Modern, the Conservative and the Liberal, the Authoritarian and the Humanitarian, the Trump Republican and the Progressive Democrat. Evangelicalism developed as Pauline Christianity's escape from science and historical discovery that for intellectuals, destroyed Bible inerrancy theology. Because it could count on capitalist participation, Calvinism having OK'd capitalistic greed as long as token nods went to charity, Evangelicalism slipped easily into coupling capitalistic success with worship of Jesus who was turned into a Magic Wand Man whose very Name could work miracles. All pathological grandiose narcissists had to do was wave a Bible at gullible believers and say "Jesus" this, "Jesus" that, and Evangelicals would fall for most any spiel that promised them personal salvation, even wealth and non-European citizens as targets for their jealousy and hate.

Through politicians adept at conning constituents a narrow fundamentalist interpretation of the Bible and a very anti-Christ anti-humanitarian Evangelical political agenda was forced on everyone in America whether they were Christian or not. Evangelical politics do not remotely resemble Christ's humanitarian teachings. But these people can be counted on to support Police state politics as they, like all nationalized pathological grandiose narcissist ideologies and theologies, want to impose their particular ideas on all the rest of us, by force if necessary. In our times (2020's) "Woke" and "Progressive" mean Humanitarian Concern while "Conservative" and "Republican" mean authoritarian white supremacy Fascist wannabes.


The Rise of NpN, the social disease of Nationalized Pathological Grandiose Narcissism


It is pathological grandiose narcissism that ruins everything it infects, be it Father Knows Best who beats the son that disses him, or the Boss who can never be criticized or you lose your job, or the Church that tells Everyone, citizens of other faiths or none just how they can act or else face punishment in This World as well as the next, or be it a Governor, always a man, who dictates the lives of all the women in his State, or be it a classic example of pathological grandiose narcissism President who joins with other pathological grandiose narcissistic leaders to punish anyone who thinks different and then to start wars because that's what pathological grandiose narcissism always leads to when societies are dumb enough to let it spread its social disease. Universal unbiased education and critical thinking cure NpN.



Social Change Activism


I've been a communitarian activist since 1968 when I authored my first cooperative community proposal, the Communiversity. And since Easter of 1979 I've been spiritually awakened and am pioneering a new Christian vision as a Jewish Christian mystic, a role that opened my eyes to how Abrahamic religions have brought more of a plague to the world than anything else of social value. Certainly the historical record shows that Abrahamic religionists have created a trail of millions of unnecessary deaths over their 2500 year history, deaths mostly caused by Abrahamic religionists at war with each other. I represent the spiritual face of the Christian Left. My religious beliefs compel me to follow the Prince of Peace, the Humanitarian Archetype, the Model God prepared from the beginning as the anchor for the Messianic Message of Peace, a very simple message  which has always simply been God's desire to transform human beings into humane beings. But judge for yourselves. There's no compulsion in this man's religion. You are free to believe what you will believe. Truth will, however, out eventually in the end, one way or another. Here you can get a preview of what I believe is destined to come. The New Age cannot and will not be passed by. It's here to stay. So then, my friends, you are invited into this Aquariana opus, many pages of revealed truth and wisdom, folly and error, in other words, the perennial job of the prophecy bearer.


The course is set

The direction clear

The time is now

For the next thousand years



The Pax Aquariana Plan

Twelve Steps to World Peace